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About eBooks
An eBook – or electronic book – is a digital publication that can be read on a range of devices, including tablets, smart phones, dedicated eBook readers, and personal computers. Just like a printed book, it can contain text and pictures, but can also include audio, video, and interactive elements. Some eBooks are formatted so that text and pictures 'flow' to fill your e-reader's screen, others are formatted as a 'fixed' layout, much like a page in a printed book.
To read an eBook, you will need a mobile phone, tablet, dedicated e-reader, or a desktop or laptop PC.
A range of software can be used to read eBooks, with each platform or device having multiple choices. E-reading software can be downloaded for Android and iOS systems, and also Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
Some eBook vendors give you the option of reading your eBooks in a web browser, rather than a dedicated app, meaning anyone with access to a computer is able to buy and enjoy eBooks..
A range of software can be used to read eBooks, with each platform or device having multiple choices. E-reading software can be downloaded for Android and iOS systems, and also Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
Some eBook vendors give you the option of reading your eBooks in a web browser, rather than a dedicated app, meaning anyone with access to a computer is able to buy and enjoy eBooks..
No. All our eBooks use Digital Rights Management (DRM), which locks an eBook to a device or a user's account, preventing unauthorised copying or distribution. eBooks you purchase from us can only be read by you, and are secured on your devices, or in your account.
We have a rolling programme of creating eBooks, starting with our back-catalogue, and working up to our most recent titles. No all our printed volumes have been converted yet (note that some limited and special edition books will not be converted into digital formats), but there are a number of ways to find the products that we have converted into eBooks in our store.
Ways to find eBooks in our store
Look for the eBook tag on a product; this shows publications ONLY available in eBook format …

Browse our eBooks & Apps section to see all our digital-only publications …

Search and filter by Category > Digital Publications to see eBooks AND apps …

Search and filter by Formats > eBooks to see all our eBooks, AND print books that have a digital edition …

Our eBooks are available in a range of formats, from all major vendors and for almost all eBook readers and devices.
Because the same title may be available in more than one format, precise details can be found at each eBook vendor's site, so you can see what is available for your particular device or PC.
Because the same title may be available in more than one format, precise details can be found at each eBook vendor's site, so you can see what is available for your particular device or PC.
To buy an eBook, simply click one of the eBook links on the product page to purchase from your preferred vendor. Due to the complexities of DRM, our eBooks are sold via the vendors Google, Amazon, Apple, and Glassboxx. This method enables us to concentrate on creating quality eBooks, and our vendors to handle security and download technology. We may make available free, non-DRM products for download, for specific titles, events, or features, from time to time.
We are also looking into offering books as a direct download from; sign up to On the Grid to stay up-to-date with all our print and digital book news, and get advance notice.
We are also looking into offering books as a direct download from; sign up to On the Grid to stay up-to-date with all our print and digital book news, and get advance notice.
Links to all eBook vendors who sell the book are show below the author and specification details on a product page:

eBook vendor links on print edition pages

eBook vendor links on digital edition pages
You can now buy our eBooks directly from us!
Simply make a purchase in the usual way and follow the link to download the Glassboxx app for Android, iOS or Desktop. Your purchased eBook will be there waiting for you to read as soon as you open the Glassboxx app. Once in the app, you will also be able to ‘Discover’ further titles within the Veloce list.
Simply make a purchase in the usual way and follow the link to download the Glassboxx app for Android, iOS or Desktop. Your purchased eBook will be there waiting for you to read as soon as you open the Glassboxx app. Once in the app, you will also be able to ‘Discover’ further titles within the Veloce list.

How and where to buy eBooks
Purchasing a Veloce eBook is easy. If you've never purchased an eBook before and need a little guidance, We've collected some helpful information on how to purchase eBooks from the major vendors that sell our books. For detailed information on your particular device, we've included links to the vendors' own websites.
Glassboxx for iOS
Read and buy on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
Glassboxx for Android
Read and buy on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Glassboxx App for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop or laptop.
No matter which method you use to purchase an eBook with Glassboxx, it will be available on any platform with Glassboxx installed. Once you have installed the app, you can 'Discover' our other titles from within Glassboxx.
Visit the Glassboxx website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Read and buy on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
Glassboxx for Android
Read and buy on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Glassboxx App for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop or laptop.
No matter which method you use to purchase an eBook with Glassboxx, it will be available on any platform with Glassboxx installed. Once you have installed the app, you can 'Discover' our other titles from within Glassboxx.
Visit the Glassboxx website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Books App for iOS
Read and buy books on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
Buy from iTunes / Music
Buy books from the iTunes store and have them downloaded to your iBooks bookshelf. Note: you cannot read books in iTunes on; only purchase them for iOS devices.
Go to Apple's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Read and buy books on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
Buy from iTunes / Music
Buy books from the iTunes store and have them downloaded to your iBooks bookshelf. Note: you cannot read books in iTunes on; only purchase them for iOS devices.
Go to Apple's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Kindle E-ink or Tablet e-readers
You can buy books via your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from Amazon's website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Kindle App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Kindle App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Kindle App for Windows Phone
Read and buy eBooks on your Windows Phone 7 or 8 smartphone.
Kindle Software for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop, laptop, or Windows 8 tablet.
Visit the Kindle website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
You can buy books via your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from Amazon's website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Kindle App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Kindle App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Kindle App for Windows Phone
Read and buy eBooks on your Windows Phone 7 or 8 smartphone.
Kindle Software for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop, laptop, or Windows 8 tablet.
Visit the Kindle website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Google Books App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Google Books App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can easily use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Google Books Web Browser reader
Read and buy eBooks through your web browser without having to install software.
Download Adobe DRM eBooks
Download eBooks from Google and put them on any e-reader, app, or software that supports Adobe DRM
Go to visit Google play's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Google Books App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can easily use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Google Books Web Browser reader
Read and buy eBooks through your web browser without having to install software.
Download Adobe DRM eBooks
Download eBooks from Google and put them on any e-reader, app, or software that supports Adobe DRM
Go to visit Google play's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Kobo E-ink or Tablet e-readers
You can buy books through your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from Kobo's website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Kobo App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Kobo App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Kobo Instant Reader
Read and buy eBooks through your web browser, including your iPad or tablet's browser, without having to install software or an app.
Download Adobe DRM eBooks
Download eBooks from Kobo and put them on any e-reader, app, or software that supports Adobe DRM.
Go to Kobo's website or information on how to buy and read its eBooks
You can buy books through your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from Kobo's website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Kobo App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Kobo App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Kobo Instant Reader
Read and buy eBooks through your web browser, including your iPad or tablet's browser, without having to install software or an app.
Download Adobe DRM eBooks
Download eBooks from Kobo and put them on any e-reader, app, or software that supports Adobe DRM.
Go to Kobo's website or information on how to buy and read its eBooks
Nook E-ink or Tablet e-readers
You can buy books through your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from the Nook website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Nook App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can easily use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Nook App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Nook Software for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop, laptop, or Windows 8 tablet.
Go to Nook's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
You can buy books through your device connected to a Wi-Fi network. You can also buy them from the Nook website: they will download to your device automatically when connected.
Nook App for iOS
Read on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Note: you cannot buy books through the iOS app, however, you can easily use your mobile browser to buy, and your eBook will download directly to the app.
Nook App for Android
Read and buy eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Nook Software for PC and Mac
Read and buy eBooks on your desktop, laptop, or Windows 8 tablet.
Go to Nook's website for information on how to buy and read its eBooks
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If you have a query about our eBooks that's not listed here, email us with your question and we'll see if we can answer.
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Veloce, 2 Poundbury Business Centre, Middle Farm Way, Poundbury, Dorchester DT1 3WA, UK
Tel +44 (0)1305 260068